Apr 29 【2024 ICBA與學術研討會】議程與發表注意事項 Conference Agenda and Presentation Guidelines
【2024 ICBA與學術研討會】議程與發表注意事項 Conference Agenda and Presentation Guidelines
【2024 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項Presentation Guidelines
Opening Ceremony: May 10th 2024, 9:20a.m.
Conference Date: May 10th (Fri.) 2024, 10:30a.m.-04:10p.m.
Conference Venue: 5F, College of Business, Sanxia Campus, National Taipei University
(No.151, University Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan)
※ 請務必詳閱研討會相關規範 ※
Be sure to Read the Precautious1.發表人請於發表場次開始前20分鐘完成報到程序,至會場安裝PPT檔案,並測試確認無誤。本研討會一律使用公用電腦,若有不便請見諒。
Please register at the reception in front of the elevator 20 minutes before the beginning of your session. You will be asked to put your slides to the computer in the session room and to make sure they run well. There will be no private computer allowed for presentation. We appreciate your understanding.
For the ICBA, you will be given 15 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. The staff will remind you twice the remaining time by ringing the bell. The first time will appear by the end of the 13th minute and the second time by the end of the 15th minute. You will be obliged to stop your presentation after the second reminder.3.國內場簡報時間12分鐘,評論與問答時間3分鐘。簡報10分鐘按第一次響鈴,12分鐘按二次連續響鈴,時間到後立即停止發表。
You can get the “Receipt of Payment” , “Certificate for Participation” and a meal box from the staff after your presentation.若有疑問,敬請來信詢問,謝謝您的參與!
If you have any question, please send us an e-mail. Thank you
Secretariat of International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA) at NTPU
劉專員Ms. Karen Liu02-8674-1111#66556刊登時間:2024-05-09 15:05:40
May 04 【2023 ICBA與學術研討會】議程與發表注意事項 Conference Agenda and Presentation Guidelines
【2023 ICBA與學術研討會】議程與發表注意事項 Conference Agenda and Presentation Guidelines
【2023 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項Presentation Guidelines
Opening Ceremony: May 12th 2023, 9:00a.m.
Conference Date: May 12th (Fri.) 2023, 9:50a.m.-11:10a.m., 11:30a.m.-4:50p.m.
Conference Venue: 5F, College of Business, Sanxia Campus, National Taipei University
(No.151, University Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan)
※ 請務必詳閱研討會相關規範 ※
Be sure to Read the Precautious1.發表人請於發表場次開始前20分鐘完成報到程序,至會場安裝PPT檔案,並測試確認無誤。本研討會一律使用公用電腦,若有不便請見諒。
Please register at the reception in front of the elevator 20 minutes before the beginning of your session. You will be asked to put your slides to the computer in the session room and to make sure they run well. There will be no private computer allowed for presentation. We appreciate your understanding.
For the ICBA, you will be given 10 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. The staff will remind you twice the remaining time by ringing the bell. The first time will appear by the end of the 8th minute and the second time by the end of the 10th minute. You will be obliged to stop your presentation after the second reminder.3.國內場簡報時間10分鐘,評論與問答時間3分鐘。簡報8分鐘按第一次響鈴,10分鐘按二次連續響鈴,時間到後立即停止發表。
You can get the “Receipt of Payment” , “Certificate for Participation” and a meal box from the staff after your presentation.若有疑問,敬請來信詢問,謝謝您的參與!
If you have any question, please send us an e-mail. Thank you
Secretariat of International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA) at NTPU
劉專員Ms. Karen Liu02-8674-1111#66556刊登時間:2023-05-05 17:57:51
Apr 26 【2022 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項 Presentation Guidelines
【2022 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項 Presentation Guidelines
【2022 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項 Presentation Guidelines
Opening Ceremony: May 13th 2022, 9:00a.m.
Conference Date: May 13th (Fri.) 2022, 9:50a.m.-12:30p.m., 1:30p.m.-4:30p.m.
Conference Venue: 7F, Lecture Building, Mingshung Campus, National Taipei University
(No. 67, Sec. 3, Mingshung E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104380, Taiwan)
※ 請務必詳閱研討會相關規範 ※
Be sure to Read the Precautious1. 本研討會採「實體發表」舉行,議程將於下週公告。若因確診、居家隔離與自主健康管理無法到場,請出示相關證明,email通知主辦單位後安排線上發表。
This conference will be held in the face-to-face form. The agenda will be announced next week. If you are forced to be absent due to the infection of COVID-19, quarantine, or self-health management, please inform us by e-mail and attach your proof of the above measures. We will arrange an online presentation for you.2. 因應學校防疫政策,進入校園請出示身分證(或護照、居留證)。請務必攜帶口罩,並遵守防疫守則。
Base on the policy of pandemic prevention, please show us your ID Card (passport, or resident certification) when entering the campus. You are obliged to wear a face mask and follow the pandemic prevention policy.3. 發表人請於發表場次開始前20分鐘完成報到程序,至會場安裝PPT檔案,並測試確認無誤。本研討會一律使用公用電腦,若有不便請見諒。
Please register at the reception in front of the elevator 20 minutes before the beginning of your session. You will be asked to put your slides to the computer in the session room and to make sure they run well. There will be no private computer allowed for presentation. We appreciate your understanding.4. 國際場簡報時間12分鐘,評論與問答時間5分鐘。簡報10分鐘按第一次響鈴,12分鐘按二次連續響鈴,時間到後立即停止發表。
For the ICBA, you will be given 12 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. The staff will remind you twice the remaining time by ringing the bell. The first time will appear by the end of the 10th minute and the second time by the end of the 12th minute. You will be obliged to stop your presentation after the second reminder.5. 國內場簡報時間10分鐘,評論與問答時間3分鐘。簡報8分鐘按第一次響鈴,10分鐘按二次連續響鈴,時間到後立即停止發表。
6. 註冊審查費收據、出席證明於當日發表結束後,向場內工作人員領取;餐盒請於離場時至714教室領取。
You can get the “Receipt of Payment” and the “Certificate for Participation” from the staff. You can also get a meal box at classroom 714 after your presentation.7. 自行開車需停車者,請於5/10前回覆車號,以利申請校內停車。
If you are planning to arrive the campus by your own car, please provide your license plate number to us by e-mail before May 10th. We will apply a in-campus parking pass for you.若有疑問,敬請來信或來電詢問,謝謝您的參與!
If you have any question, please call us or send us an e-mail. Thank you.
聯絡人 Contact person:何專員 Ms. Zoe Ho
連絡電話Contact number:(02)8674-1111#66556
刊登時間:2022-04-26 20:17:33
Nov 30 【Call for Papers】2021春季國立臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會
【Call for Papers】2021春季國立臺北大學企業管理學系學術研討會
研討會日期:2021年5月7日(五) 13:00-17:30研討會地點:國立臺北大學民生校區( 台北市中山區民生東路三段67號)教學大樓7F
投稿方式:將報名表、稿件與繳款收據掃描檔一併寄至 ntpuseminar@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
收款戶名:國立臺北大學 (請備註:北大企管研討會)
投稿截止日期:即日起至 2021年03月22日(一)晚上 24 點止。投稿格式:請使用word檔15頁內 (含參考文獻) ,並參照本研討會網站之 徵稿格式撰寫。 研討會採匿名全文審稿制,請投稿人注意不得於文稿內文及檔案摘要中顯示任何得以查知作者背景之資訊。
本研討會論文集僅收錄摘要。聯 絡 人:(02) 2502-1520#18100 臺北大學企管系黃詩卉助理(上班時間09:00-17:00)
感謝您!刊登時間:2020-11-30 16:36:57
Dec 31 【Call for Papers】2020春季國立臺北大學企管系學術研討會
【Call for Papers】2020春季國立臺北大學企管系學術研討會
日期:2020 年 4 月 24 日(星期五) 13:30-17:30
地點:台北大學民生校區(台北市中山區民生東路三段 67號,教學大樓7F研討室)
投稿方式:將報名表、稿件與繳款收據掃描檔一併寄至 ntpuseminar@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
費用:1000 元註冊審查費+20 元劃撥手續費
郵政劃撥帳號:19456481 收款戶名:國立臺北大學 請備註:北大企管研討會
─ 投稿日期:即日起至2020 年 3 月 9 日晚上 24 點止。
─ 審查結果通知:投稿後工作日 14 天。
─ 投稿格式:請使用 Word 檔 15 頁內(含參考文獻),並參照本研討會網站之 徵稿格式 撰寫。 研討會採匿名全文審稿制,請投稿人注意不得於文稿內文及檔案摘要中顯示任何得 以查知作者背景之資訊。
─ 稿件電子檔檔名為投稿人姓名-投稿篇名。
─ 本研討會論文集僅收錄摘要。
聯絡人: (02) 2502-4654#18100 臺北大學企管系黃詩卉專員(上班時間09:00-17:00)
Please refer to the attached file for the english version.
刊登時間:2019-12-31 13:45:08
International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA)
Apr 29 【2024 ICBA與學術研討會】議程表與發表注意事項Conference Agenda and Presentation Guidelines
【2024 ICBA與學術研討會】議程表與發表注意事項Conference Agenda and Presentation Guidelines
【2024 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項Presentation Guidelines
Opening Ceremony: May 10th 2024, 9:20a.m.
Conference Date: May 10th (Fri.) 2024, 10:30a.m.-04:10p.m.
Conference Venue: 5F, College of Business, Sanxia Campus, National Taipei University
(No.151, University Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan)
※ 請務必詳閱研討會相關規範 ※
Be sure to Read the Precautious1.發表人請於發表場次開始前20分鐘完成報到程序,至會場安裝PPT檔案,並測試確認無誤。本研討會一律使用公用電腦,若有不便請見諒。
Please register at the reception in front of the elevator 20 minutes before the beginning of your session. You will be asked to put your slides to the computer in the session room and to make sure they run well. There will be no private computer allowed for presentation. We appreciate your understanding.
For the ICBA, you will be given 15 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. The staff will remind you twice the remaining time by ringing the bell. The first time will appear by the end of the 13th minute and the second time by the end of the 15th minute. You will be obliged to stop your presentation after the second reminder.3.國內場簡報時間12分鐘,評論與問答時間3分鐘。簡報10分鐘按第一次響鈴,12分鐘按二次連續響鈴,時間到後立即停止發表。
You can get the “Receipt of Payment” , “Certificate for Participation” and a meal box from the staff after your presentation.若有疑問,敬請來信詢問,謝謝您的參與!
If you have any question, please send us an e-mail. Thank you
Secretariat of International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA) at NTPU
劉專員Ms. Karen Liu02-8674-1111#66556刊登時間:2024-05-09 15:05:21
May 04 【2023 ICBA與學術研討會】議程表與發表注意事項Conference Agenda and Presentation Guidelines
【2023 ICBA與學術研討會】議程表與發表注意事項Conference Agenda and Presentation Guidelines
【2023 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項Presentation Guidelines
Opening Ceremony: May 12th 2023, 9:00a.m.
Conference Date: May 12th (Fri.) 2023, 9:50a.m.-11:10a.m., 11:30a.m.-4:50p.m.
Conference Venue: 5F, College of Business, Sanxia Campus, National Taipei University
(No.151, University Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan)
※ 請務必詳閱研討會相關規範 ※
Be sure to Read the Precautious1.發表人請於發表場次開始前20分鐘完成報到程序,至會場安裝PPT檔案,並測試確認無誤。本研討會一律使用公用電腦,若有不便請見諒。
Please register at the reception in front of the elevator 20 minutes before the beginning of your session. You will be asked to put your slides to the computer in the session room and to make sure they run well. There will be no private computer allowed for presentation. We appreciate your understanding.
For the ICBA, you will be given 10 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. The staff will remind you twice the remaining time by ringing the bell. The first time will appear by the end of the 8th minute and the second time by the end of the 10th minute. You will be obliged to stop your presentation after the second reminder.3.國內場簡報時間10分鐘,評論與問答時間3分鐘。簡報8分鐘按第一次響鈴,10分鐘按二次連續響鈴,時間到後立即停止發表。
You can get the “Receipt of Payment” , “Certificate for Participation” and a meal box from the staff after your presentation.若有疑問,敬請來信詢問,謝謝您的參與!
If you have any question, please send us an e-mail. Thank you
Secretariat of International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA) at NTPU
劉專員Ms. Karen Liu02-8674-1111#66556刊登時間:2023-05-05 17:58:08
Apr 26 【2022 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項 Presentation Guidelines
【2022 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項 Presentation Guidelines
【2022 ICBA與學術研討會】發表注意事項 Presentation Guidelines
Opening Ceremony: May 13th 2022, 9:00a.m.
Conference Date: May 13th (Fri.) 2022, 9:50a.m.-12:30p.m., 1:30p.m.-4:30p.m.
Conference Venue: 7F, Lecture Building, Mingshung Campus, National Taipei University
(No. 67, Sec. 3, Mingshung E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104380, Taiwan)
※ 請務必詳閱研討會相關規範 ※
Be sure to Read the Precautious1. 本研討會採「實體發表」舉行,議程將於下週公告。若因確診、居家隔離與自主健康管理無法到場,請出示相關證明,email通知主辦單位後安排線上發表。
This conference will be held in the face-to-face form. The agenda will be announced next week. If you are forced to be absent due to the infection of COVID-19, quarantine, or self-health management, please inform us by e-mail and attach your proof of the above measures. We will arrange an online presentation for you.2. 因應學校防疫政策,進入校園請出示身分證(或護照、居留證)。請務必攜帶口罩,並遵守防疫守則。
Base on the policy of pandemic prevention, please show us your ID Card (passport, or resident certification) when entering the campus. You are obliged to wear a face mask and follow the pandemic prevention policy.3. 發表人請於發表場次開始前20分鐘完成報到程序,至會場安裝PPT檔案,並測試確認無誤。本研討會一律使用公用電腦,若有不便請見諒。
Please register at the reception in front of the elevator 20 minutes before the beginning of your session. You will be asked to put your slides to the computer in the session room and to make sure they run well. There will be no private computer allowed for presentation. We appreciate your understanding.4. 國際場簡報時間12分鐘,評論與問答時間5分鐘。簡報10分鐘按第一次響鈴,12分鐘按二次連續響鈴,時間到後立即停止發表。
For the ICBA, you will be given 12 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. The staff will remind you twice the remaining time by ringing the bell. The first time will appear by the end of the 10th minute and the second time by the end of the 12th minute. You will be obliged to stop your presentation after the second reminder.5. 國內場簡報時間10分鐘,評論與問答時間3分鐘。簡報8分鐘按第一次響鈴,10分鐘按二次連續響鈴,時間到後立即停止發表。
6. 註冊審查費收據、出席證明於當日發表結束後,向場內工作人員領取;餐盒請於離場時至714教室領取。
You can get the “Receipt of Payment” and the “Certificate for Participation” from the staff. You can also get a meal box at classroom 714 after your presentation.7. 自行開車需停車者,請於5/10前回覆車號,以利申請校內停車。
If you are planning to arrive the campus by your own car, please provide your license plate number to us by e-mail before May 10th. We will apply a in-campus parking pass for you.若有疑問,敬請來信或來電詢問,謝謝您的參與!
If you have any question, please call us or send us an e-mail. Thank you.
聯絡人 Contact person:何專員 Ms. Zoe Ho
連絡電話Contact number:(02)8674-1111#66556
刊登時間:2022-04-26 20:18:16
Nov 30 【Call for Papers】2021 International Conference on Business Administration - Spring Session (ICBA 2020 Spring) at NTPU
【Call for Papers】2021 International Conference on Business Administration - Spring Session (ICBA 2020 Spring) at NTPU
2021 International Conference on Business Administration- Spring Session (ICBA 2020 Spring) at NTPU徵稿啟事】
國立臺北大學企管系將於2021年5月7日(五)假本校民生校區舉辦國際研討會「2021 International Conference on Business Administration- Spring Session (ICBA 2020 Spring) 」,竭誠歡迎管理學術界與實務界各位先進共襄盛舉。稿件獲審查委員推薦者,將推薦予「企業管理學報(Journal of Business Administration, JBA)」審查後刊登於特刊中。「企業管理學報(Journal of Business Administration, JBA)」已榮獲「EconLit」、「EBSCO」、「ABI/INFORM」與「ProQuest」四大知名國際索引收錄。國際研討會訊息請參閱以下資訊或附件!
投稿截止日:2021年3月22日(郵寄至 ntpuconference@gm.ntpu.edu.tw)
每篇文章審查費:學生-新臺幣1520元、非學生-新臺幣3020元(含 20元劃撥手續費)。
收款戶名:國立臺北大學 (請備註:ICBA 2020 at NTPU)
Institution (Company) Name: National Taipei University
Account Name: National Taipei University
Account Number: 112056000022
Bank Address: 83, Minsheng St., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Branch Name: Land Bank of Taiwan, Sanshia Branch
請使用word檔15頁內 (含參考文獻),並參照本國際研討會徵稿啟事或本國際研討會網站之徵稿格式撰寫,郵寄至 ntpuconference@gm.ntpu.edu.tw。本國際研討會採匿名全文審稿制,請投稿人注意不得於文稿內文及檔案摘要中顯示任何得以查知作者背景之資訊。參考文獻與引用格式請參考APA (American Psychological Association)格式。
【本研討會論文集僅收錄摘要,不刊登論文全文。】聯 絡 人:(02) 2502-1520#18100 臺北大學企管系黃詩卉助理(上班時間09:00-17:00)
感謝您!刊登時間:2020-11-30 16:38:17
Dec 31 【Call for Papers】2020 International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA 2020) at NTPU
【Call for Papers】2020 International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA 2020) at NTPU
國立臺北大學企管系將於2020年5月8日(五)假本校民生校區舉辦國際研討會「2020 International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA 2020)」,竭誠歡迎管理學術界與實務界各位先進共襄盛舉。稿件獲審查委員推薦者,將推薦予「企業管理學報(Journal of Business Administration, JBA)」審查後收錄於特刊中。「企業管理學報」已通過「EconLit國際索引」、「EBSCO國際索引」、「ABI/INFORM國際索引」與「ProQuest國際索引」收錄。國際研討會訊息請參閱以下資訊或附件!
投稿截止日:2020年3月16日(郵寄至 ntpuconference@gm.ntpu.edu.tw)
修正稿件、註冊表與繳款單據郵寄截止日:2020年4月8日(郵寄至 ntpuconference@gm.ntpu.edu.tw)
研討會地點:國立臺北大學民生校區(台北市中山區民生東路三段 67號)教學大樓7F研討室
收款戶名:National Taipei University (請備註:ICBA 2020 at NTPU)
Institution (Company) Name: National Taipei University
Account Name: National Taipei University
Account Number: 112056000022
Bank Address: 83, Minsheng St., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Branch Name: Land Bank of Taiwan, Sanshia Branch
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