Chief Editor
Hsien-Tung Tsai, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Associate Editor
Jung-Kuei Hsieh, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Chien-Lin Lu, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Area Editors
General Management
Chung-Chu Liu, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Financial Management
Mei-Chi Huang, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Marketing Management
Wen-Yeh Huang, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Information and Operations Management
Shiu-Li Huang, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Editorial Board
Ai-Chia Chuang, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Bing-Tian Dai, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Bou-Wen Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Chieh-Peng Lin, National Yang Ming Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
Chien-Wei Wu, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Christian de Peretti, École Centrale de Lyon, France
Chwo-Ming Yu, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan
Hao-Chun Chuang, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan
Heng-Chiang Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ho-Min Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Hsuan-Chi Chen, University of New Mexico, USA
Hung-Chang Chiu, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Hwa-Hsien Gary Hsu, Durham University, UK
Jason C.H. Chen, Gonzaga University, USA
Jeonghwan Choi, Wenzhou-Kean University, China
Jimmy Yang, Oregon State University, USA
Kam C. Chan, Shanghai Business School, China
Kanji Tanimoto, Waseda University, Japan
Kuan-Nan Chou, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan
Li-Chung Jen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Makoto Nakano, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Ming Huang Chiang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ming-Jer Chen, University of Virginia, USA
Nai-Wen Chi, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Po-Hsin Ho, National Central University, Taiwan
San-Lin Chung, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Shu-Cheng Chi, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Tung-Lung Chang, Long Island University, USA
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《Journal of Business Administration企業管理學報稿約》
一、《Journal of Business Administration企業管理學報》(以下簡稱本期刊)(ISSN:1025-9627)為國內歷史最悠久的管理類學術性期刊之一,每年3、6、9、12月出刊,現已通過EconLit、EBSCO、ABI/INFORM、ProQuest等國際索引收錄。
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This journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to submit a blinded manuscript without any author names and affiliations in the manuscript.
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1.The editor conducts preliminary screening of manuscripts to ensure that they meet publishing standards based on submission requirements. The editor consults the editorial board in determining anonymous reviewers.
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4.The chief editor makes the final decision depending on the actual review comments, which will be provided to the authors for reference.
No. Author Title Vol. 49 Iss. 4 Pei-Ju Ting Ching-I Chen Ting-Ling Lin Mei-Chen Hsieh Vol. 49 Iss. 4 Yao-Jen Hsu Yeong-Jia Goo Vol. 49 Iss. 4 Chia-Hsing Chen Yeong-Jia Goo Vol. 49 Iss. 4 Yeong-Jia Goo An-Lung Lee Vol. 49 Iss. 4 Chih-Ching Yu Yi-Chen Chu Vol. 49 Iss. 4 Wei-Hong Fu Chih-Chun Chen Does corporate image affect donation effectiveness? Evidence from the Taiwan stock market Vol. 49 Iss. 4▼
No. Author Title Vol. 49 Iss. 3 Hsuan-Wen Huang Chijun Cheng Vol. 49 Iss. 3 Yi-Nung Peng Yu-Hsuan LinVol. 49 Iss. 3▼
No. Author Title Vol. 49 Iss. 2 Chieh-Shuo Chen Sheue-Yu Hung Ling-Hsuan Cheng Vol. 49 Iss. 2 Pin-Lun ChiangVol. 49 Iss. 2▼
No. Author Title Vol. 49 Iss. 1 Szu-Yu Chou Yi-Chia Wu Ching-Ju Chen Challenging fun: Predicting customers’ sustained interest in co-creation through enjoyment Vol. 49 Iss. 1 Chun-Yu Lin Piyaporn Sukdanon Chung-Kai HuangVol. 49 Iss. 1▼
No. Author Title Vol. 48 Iss. 4 Kao-Shan Chen Vol. 48 Iss. 4 Minh Duy Le Managerial ability, shadow banking activity engagement, and bank shareholder values in China Vol. 48 Iss. 4 Yi-Wen Chen Ru-Mei Hsieh Forrence Hsin-Hung Chen Vol. 48 Iss. 4 Ping Chi Yeong-Jia Goo Vol. 48 Iss. 4 Minh Duy Le Ko-Chia Yu Managerial ability and banks’ financial stability in Asia-PacificVol. 48 Iss. 4▼
No. Author Title Vol. 48 Iss. 3 Ho Keat Leng Yi Xian Philip Phua Yen-Chun Lin Andre Richelieu Shintaro Sato Sock Miang Teo-Koh An examination of the role of gender in athlete endorsement effectiveness Vol. 48 Iss. 3 Yulin Chen Vol. 48 Iss. 3 Wen-Jung Chang Kuan-Yu Yueh Da-Chian Hu Hui-Ju Chen “Relationship can talk” - Relationship quality and its applications to STARBUCKSVol. 48 Iss. 3▼
No. Author Title Vol. 48 Iss. 2 Forrence HsinHung Chen Parichattrarat Rattasurabhisa Vol. 48 Iss. 2 Ming-Ta Su Hsian-Ming Liu Hui-Fun Yu Pei-Hua Sung Effects of SCT-TAM model on mobile payment adoption in Taiwan: A moderated mediation approachVol. 48 Iss. 2▼
No. Author Title Vol. 48 Iss. 1 Hsu-Hsin Chiang Vol. 48 Iss. 1 Chin-Yi Shu Examining ethical leadership’s effectiveness by a dual-path approachVol. 48 Iss. 1▼
No. Author Title Vol. 47 Iss. 4 Chien-Ming Lee Yu-Min Yang Using internal carbon pricing to address climate risks challenge - The case of Taiwanese enterprises Vol. 47 Iss. 4 Qun Wang Po-Hsin Ho Vol. 47 Iss. 4 Tser-Yieth Chen Tsai-Lien Yeh Hsueh-Ling Wu Impact of gift promotion appeals with two types of givers on givers’ purchase intentionVol. 47 Iss. 4▼
No. Author Title Vol. 47 Iss. 3 Tzu-Wen Chang Vol. 47 Iss. 3 Son-Cong Bui Yung-Chi Chang Vol. 47 Iss. 3 Wen-Yeh HuangVol. 47 Iss. 3▼
No. Author Title Vol. 47 Iss. 2 Kuang-Sheng Huang Vol. 47 Iss. 2 Chih-Ching Yu Heng-Yih Liu Ting-Ling Lin Wai-Sum Siu Vol. 47 Iss. 2 Chia-Hung Wei A bibliometric analysis on emerging technology research and developmentVol. 47 Iss. 2▼
No. Author Title Vol. 47 Iss. 1 Shu-Mei Chien Yuh-Ming Lee Preliminary evaluation of decommission waste inventory and quantity for nuclear power plants Vol. 47 Iss. 1 Hsu-Tung Lee Vol. 47 Iss. 1 Chih-Liang Luo Hui-Chen Chang Satisfaction trap: The nonlinearity for binding effect of switching costVol. 47 Iss. 1▼
No. Author Title Vol. 46 Iss. 4 Mao-ChangWang Cing-Sian Ke The effects of intellectual capital components on various valuation methods Vol. 46 Iss. 4 Shu-Ling Hsu Yung-Chi Chang Ignasia Vabiola Wen-Ling Lin Determinants of customer loyalty of green products – The case of Gogoro in Taiwan Vol. 46 Iss. 4 Jin-Long Chen Sheng-Wen Wang No. Author Title Vol. 46 Iss. 3 Chih-Ming Tsai Vol. 46 Iss. 3 Li-Shia Huang Wan-Ju Huang Shih-Jung Chien Vol. 46 Iss. 3 Leomar B. Virador Li-Fei Chen Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Satisfaction: A Configurational Approach Vol. 46 Iss. 3 Yu-Che Tseng Yuh-Ming Lee Energy-related Financial Risk Assessment Framework – Application to Gas-fired Power Plants No. Author Title Vol. 46 Iss. 2 Hung-Ju Chen Jenn Tang De-Piao Tang Vol. 46 Iss. 2 Jenn-Shyong Kuo Shih-Tsung Chiu Yi-Cheng Ho Health-contribution-motivated Expense Shifting and Determinants by Nonprofit Hospitals Vol. 46 Iss. 2 Che-Wei Chang Shiu-Wan Hung Min-Jhih Cheng Yi-Chen Lee Cheng-Hong Cheng For Every Plus There is A Minus: Acceptance and Resistance of Information Technology Users’ Behavior Vol. 46 Iss. 2 Tai-Wei Chang Yu-Shan Chen Cheng-Ze Hung Hua-Dong Luan Kuo-Hsuan Wang Effects of Green Psychological Processes on Corporate Green Performance and Staff Behavior No. Author Title Vol. 46 Iss. 1 Tser-Yieth Chen Chi-Jui Huang The Drivers of the Green Trust Formation: Evidence from Taiwan and Japan Vol. 46 Iss. 1 Yi-Nung Peng Po-Kai Wang Vol. 46 Iss. 1 Jia-Rong Wu Pei-Fang Li The Impact of Old Products and New Ideology on Consumers’ New Product Purchase Intention Vol. 46 Iss. 1 Tsung-Hua Tsai Wen-Chang Fang A Successive Model of Knowledge Sharing Behavior through Mobile Instant Messaging AppVol. 46 Iss. 4▼
Vol. 46 Iss. 3▼
Vol. 46 Iss. 2▼
Vol. 46 Iss. 1▼
No. Author Title Vol. 45 Iss. 4 Shih-Tsung Chiu Li-Yu Lin Jenn-Shyong Kuo Yi-Cheng Ho Corporate Political Contributions, Tax Avoidance and Stock Returns Vol. 45 Iss. 4 Yin-Che Chen Yu-Jing Tsai Vol. 45 Iss. 4 Hsuan-Yi Chou Bang-Ting Huang Vol. 45 Iss. 4 Hsuan-Yi Chou Cheng-Hsuan Wu The Influence of Sex Appeal Type, Product Type, and Regulatory Focus on Advertising Effects No. Author Title Vol. 45 Iss. 3 Chia-Ling Lee Y.C. Geogre Lin Jung-Lin Lee Vol. 45 Iss. 3 Hui-Chen Chang Lin-Ju Cheng Ching-Fong Lin Vol. 45 Iss. 3 Hsuan-Yi Chou Yi-Wen Tsau Vol. 45 Iss. 3 Shih-Hao Lu Kang-Min Chien Fan-Ting Lu Cheng-Ze Hung Yie-Ching Lee Jen-Wei Cheng Vol. 45 Iss. 3 Li-Shia Huang Jin-Hua Yang Preventing the Negative Effects of Slack Filling Packages by Quantity Label and Product Arrangement Vol. 45 Iss. 3 Thi-Huong Nguyen Cheng-Chieh Lu Impact of Leader Mindfulness on Employee Engagement: The Mediating Effect of Trust in Leader No. Author Title Vol. 45 Iss. 2 Sheng-Chung Lin Chien-Ming Lee Yue-Rong Hong Chin-Kai Chang Vol. 45 Iss. 2 Li-Fan Su The Effects of Eco-Innovation and Its Motivations on Firm Growth – an Empirical Analysis of EU SMEs Vol. 45 Iss. 2 Pei-Ju Ting Hsin-Ju Tsai Chia-Yi Chen Back to The Drawing Board: Examining CSR Activity Design and Its Effect on Consumer Scepticism Vol. 45 Iss. 2 Yu-Shan Chen I-Ya Chen Yi-Yuan Chen Hua-Dong Luan Yi-Nung Peng Chin-Tang Hsieh The Motivation of Consumer Participation on Circular Economy and the Effect to Value Creation No. Author Title Vol. 45 Iss. 1 Chun-Hsien Yu Chung-Huey Huang Ching-Yi Chen Rong-Nan Pan Internal Control Quality and Accounting Conservatism - Evidence from IPOs Vol. 45 Iss. 1 Ching-Yu Hsu Zi-Jun Zhou Vol. 45 Iss. 1 Shin-Yih Chen Wen-Hao Lai Vol. 45 Iss. 1 Chun-Yi Lu Li-Yu Chen Vol. 45 Iss. 1 Shun-Wang Hsu Wen-Shen Yen Pi-Heng Chung Yi-Bo Wu Vol. 45 Iss. 1 Ming-Shiun Chen Hui-Chen Tseng Research on the Importance of Organizational Identification of the Transformation Process of NTPBsVol. 45 Iss. 4▼
Vol. 45 Iss. 3▼
Vol. 45 Iss. 2▼
Vol. 45 Iss. 1▼
No. Author Title Vol. 44 Iss. 4 Mei-Man Hsu Ya-Chin Lin Shaio-Yan Huang Corporate Government and Cost of Equity - The Influence of Corporate Governance Ranking Mechanisms Vol. 44 Iss. 4 Chien-Ming Lee Yue-Rong Hong Ya-Ting Hsieh Chen-Yi Chen Vol. 44 Iss. 4 Su-Ying Hung Tai-Hsi Wu Vol. 44 Iss. 4 Shui-Shun Lin Ying-Shen Juang Wen-Chin Chiu Constructing and Comparing Forecast Models for Registration Number of Passenger Cars in Taiwan No. Author Title Vol. 44 Iss. 3 Y.C. George Lin Chi-Yang Lee Fu-Yun Liu Mei-Man Hsu Vol. 44 Iss. 3 Wan-Ju Chiang Jen-Chin Chung Wen-Yuan Chien Vol. 44 Iss. 3 Hsing-Han Liu Yao-Chung Yu Chang-Ting Tsai Procurement Decision Model of Energy - Saving Lighting Project in Public Space of Collective Vol. 44 Iss. 3 Tsu-Yeh Fan No. Author Title Vol. 44 Iss. 2 Ing-Shane Yung You-Zhen Lin Chin-Fa Tsai Vol. 44 Iss. 2 Nan-Hong Lin Shu-Hsien Wang Vol. 44 Iss. 2 Chia-Pei Lee Mao-Chang Wang Relationship between Corporate Governance and Earnings Conservatism in Taiwanese Companies Vol. 44 Iss. 2 Yin-Che Chen Tsai-Chin Lee No. Author Title Vol. 44 Iss. 1 Hsiang-Lin Chih Tai-Hsi Wu Yu-Shan Chen Chi-Jui Huang Wen-Chyan Ke Mei-Chen Lin Hsuan-Lien Chu Chang Chan The Construction Method of Taiwan Sustainability Index and Its Investment Performance Vol. 44 Iss. 1 Chi-Jui Huang Tser-Yieth Chen Embedding a Roadmap into the Scenario Planning of Environment Management in Taiwan Vol. 44 Iss. 1 Yu-Shan Chen Chun-Ming Lien Chin-Ju Lee Vol. 44 Iss. 1 Trista Bridges Donald Eubank Everything or Anything How Businesses Can Start with the SDGsVol. 44 Iss. 4▼
Vol. 44 Iss. 3▼
Vol. 44 Iss. 2▼
Vol. 44 Iss. 1▼
NO. Author Title 119 Hsuan-Yi Chou 119 119 119No.119▼
Ting-Yuan Hsu
Chung-Long Yu
The Evolution of the Theoretical Model of Sports and Leisure Behavior: The Model of Goal-Directed Behavior Perspective
Ling-Yu Melody Wen
Chin-Yin YeResearch on the Relationship between Corporate Governance, Environmental Performance, Environmental Accounting Information Exposure and Equity Value- A Case Study of the High Pollution Potential Industrial Parks
Fu-Yun Liu
Y.C .George Lin
Hsin-Chi ChenThe Effect of the Choice of Shared Audit Reports on Corporate Credit Risk
NO. Author Title 118 118 118 118No.118▼
Yin-Che Chen
Meng-Ting Hsieh
Yie-Fang KaoEffect of Public Servants’ Workload on Emotional Exhaustion: Moderating Effects of Emotional Intelligence and Job Characteristics
Han-Chiang Ho
Brian J. Quarles
Candy Lim Chiu
Su-Ping Liu
Ling-Ling LeeDoes Gender Difference Impact Consumers’ Attitudes toward High-tech Luxury Co-branded Products?
Chia-Hung Hsieh
Chi-Yun ChiangChi ChenThe Effect of Leisure Motivation on Visitors’ Destination Satisfaction toward Tourist Night Markets: Comparison of Domestic Tourists and Local Residents
Chi-Jui Huang
Ting-Ling Lin
Heng-Yih LiuHow Can SMEs Engage CSR? - An Application of Social Capital Perspective
NO. Author Title 117 117 117 Michael L.A. Hsu Organizational Innovation Vitality Scale: Development, Validation, and Cross-Validation 117 Angela Shin-Yih Chen The Relationship among Self-monitoring, Cultural Intelligence, and Career EngagementNo.117▼
Yi-Cheng Ku
Ting-Guan Huang
Yie-Fang KaoDéjà Vu or Watching without Seeing? A Reexamination of the Advertising Effectiveness of Native Ads
Li-Chung Huang
Hsiao-Chi Wu
Chen-Ying ChenUsing the Theory of Planned Behavior and Experiential Value to Exploring the Users’ Behavior in Mobile Games
Hsueh-Liang Fan
Cheng Yu-Jung
NO. Author Title 116 Wen-Pin Tien 116 Hui-Chen Chang 116 Chao-Liang Chen Pricing an Inflation Linked Guarantee on Individual Pension Accounts 116 Ming-Ti Chiang Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Financial IndustryNo.116▼
Han-Yu Chen
Yu-Wei Chen
Lin-Ju Cheng
Jung-Hao Chung
NO. Author Title 115 Jui-Tang Kao Wan-Jing April Chang The Factors that Influence the Turnover Intentions in High-tech Industries-A Role Perspective 115 Chung-Chu Liu Yan-Jhen Pan 115 Her-Her Tsai Min-Jhih Cheng 115 Tser-Yieth Chen Tsai-Lien Yeh The Impact of Brand Value to Strengthen Relationship Value-Evidence of Airline Industry in TaiwanNo.115▼
Shiu-Wan Hung
Ping-Wen Chen
Chang-Geng Lo
NO. Author Title 114 Shiuann-Shouh Chen Chiao-Mei Tang 114 Tzu-Ying Lu 114 Shi-Xiao Wang Constructing the Technology Acquisition Strategy for Followers of CSSC Industry 114 Heidi H. ChangNo.114▼
Hao-Cheng Lin
Jun-Yu Zhong
Shiu-Wan Hung
Wen-Min Lu
Rong-Ji Hsiao
Chen-En Hou
Shun-Wang Hsu
Chi-Mei Wu
Kuan-Lin Chen
NO. Author Title 113 Jia-Hao Wu On-Line Health News Analysis and Prediction-A Framework of Big Data 113 Jwu-Rong Lin 113 Wan-Hua Tseng The Study of Hierarchical Plateau of Knowledge Workers in High-Tech Industries 113 Angela Shin-Yih ChenNo.113▼
Li-Ching Ma
Hsiu-Ying Lee
Tso-Kwei Peng
Pei-Wen Shih
Chen-Fen Huang
Mei-Hsiang Wang
Shiou-Min Wang
NO. Author Title 112 Shun-Wang Hsu A Study of Motivation and Innovation Performance in Five-Star Hotels-Knowledge Sharing as a Mediator 112 Chiao-Yi Chang The Impact of Day Trading on the Idiosyncratic Volatility of ETF 50 in Taiwan 112 Ting-Ling Lin 112 Chao-Yi Wang The Effecting Factors on M&A Abnormal Return : Evidence from the Taiwan Securities MarketNo.112▼
Wen-Shen Yen
Shan-Shan Cheng
Yu-Chi Lin
Hshin-Yi Su
Si-Xian He
Mei-Chen Hsieh
Ya-Wen Ho
NO. Author Title 111 Po-Hsin Ho Family-controlled Firms, Overconfident CEOs, and Investment Policy 111 Shih-Hao Wu 111 Kuang-Ping Ku 111 Su-Lien Lu Studying the Relationship Between Default Risk and Systematic RiskNo.111▼
Wei-Ling Yang
Wei-Ying Nie
Pei-Yun Fang
Kuo-Jung Lee
Wan-Ci Chen
NO. Author Title 110 Chien-Yun Chang Can Incentive Compensation Prevent the CEOs to Exploit the Benefit of Debt Holders? 110 Sheau-Hwa Chen 110 Tain-Fung Wu 110 Fu-Jin Hu Green Supply Chain Management Studies: Themes, Concepts and RelationshipsNo.110▼
Jui-Chang Cheng
Chen-Yu Chen
Chih-Hsin Lin
Ya-Lee Ho
Chiu-Chuan Lin
Tsai-Yuan Lin
NO. Author Title 109 Wan-Yu Chen 109 Cheng-Shung Huang 109 Yun Chan 109 Hsiu-Hui Chang The Role of Regulatory Focus in Persuasion of Informational Appeal and Transformational AppealNo.109▼
Mao-Chang Wang
Aditya Simha
David F. Elloy
Shunder Chang
Fang-Ping Chen
Wen-Chang Fang
NO. Author Title 108 I-Chen Lee 108 Wei Huang Dwen A Feasibility Study on How Taiwanese System Integrators Transform into Cloud-based Service Providers 108 Chia-Hung Hsieh 108 Yu-I LeeNo.108▼
Shao Chi Lu
Yu-Chieh Liao
Shu-Hsu Lin
Ren Tsai Chien
Liang Kuo
Chen-Wei Chan
Chi-Yun Chiang
NO. Author Title 107 Chun-Da Chen Effects of the Foreign Institutional Investor Scheme on Chinese Stock Markets 107 Tien-Yu Yu A Study for Contractor Selection Base on Cost of Quality-An Example from Electronics Industry 107 Shao-Lung Lin 107 Shu-Chen LeeNo.107▼
Hsu-Tung Lee
Wan-Ping Chi
NO. Author Title 106 Shun-Wang Hsu 106 Pei-Ling Hsieh Drivers, Mediators and Outcomes of Co-creation in Online Brand Communities 106 Min-Jhih Cheng 106 Meng-Han LiNo.106▼
Heidi-H. Chang
Hsing-Yun Wu
Chung-Chun Hsu
Her-Her Tsai
Shiu-Wan Hung
Wen-Sheng Wang
Ying-Chieh, Lu
Jhe-Ru Lin
Rong-Chen Hung
Ming-Ji Lin
NO. Author Title 105 Yi-Wen Chen 105 Qing-Chang Li Key Knowledge and Ability Analysis of Insurance Manager in Training New Staffs 105 Li-Mei Wong The Intention to Pay of Value-Added Services for Digital Cable Television 105 Min-Chih MiaoNo.105▼
Mei-Ya Wang
Yung-Tsai Wang
Yi-Chuang Hu
Te-Tsai Lu
Tai-Ho Yang
Chuan-Feng Shih
NO. Author Title 104 Kuo-Feng Huang Industrial Innovativeness, Disruptive Innovation, and Firm Performance 104 Shiu-Wan Hung Fitting in Technology Strategy with Customer Value: A Resource-based View on New Product Development 104 Chung-Chu Liu The Relationship between Facebook Users’ Value and Loyalty: The Moderating Effect on Trust 104 Shao-An WuNo.104▼
Wu-Chiang Chan
An-Pang Wang
Chi-Wei Chiu
Yi-Hui Lin
Jing-Jyi Wu
NO. Author Title 103 Wan-Chun Liao 103 Chia-Jung Tu 103 Katharina Maria 103 Tsu-Yeh FanNo.103▼
Tzu-Shian Han
Yu-Shin Liu
Tyrone T. Lin
Wen-Pin Tien
Yen-Ting Chiu
Colin Cheng
Fang-Mei Liu
Tzu-Yun Wu
NO. Author Title 102 Chiung-Wen Tsao 102 Li-Lin Chang 102 Hung-Yuan Lin 102 Chung-Chun HsuNo.102▼
Yu-Chen Wei
Shyh-Jer Chen
Kuang-Nan Huang
Tse-Ping Dong
Yu-Mei Yeh
Yu-Ting Kuo
Heidi H Chang
Shun-Wang Hsu
NO. Author Title 101 Wann-Yih Wu 101 Chen-Yu Chen Do the Family Firms Influence the Performance of Firm’s Cash Holdings? 101 Yueh-Chuen The Effects of Consumption Motivation and Leisure Constraints on Night Leisure Activities 101 Hsin-Hue Chang Relationship between Fund Managers’ Cognitive Biases and Fund PerformanceNo.101▼
Hsiao-Yun Lu
Kuan-Yu Lai
Chien-Yun Chang
Mei-Ching Yang
Jian-Hsin Chou
Ya-Chu Chan
Yu-I Lee
Min-Li Yao
NO. Author Title 100 Shunder Chang 100 Yih-Chearng 100 Ming-Yih Yeh 100 Chi-Hung Hsieh How Product Scarcity Affects Consumers’ Perceived risk- The Moderating Effect of Utility ExternalityNo.100▼
Hua-Jung Liu
Chi-Yang Chen
Yu-Ling Hsu
Wei-shong Lin
Yi-Ching Li
Chi-Yun Chiang
NO. Author Title 99 Chih-Ching Yu 99 Yen-Ting Chiu Beyond Behavioral Intentions: The Impact of Point-of-purchase Determinants on Technology Adoption 99 Shwu-Ing Wu The Relationship Between Antecedents and Practice of The Perceived Value Chart of Green Consumption 99 Mao-Chang WangNo.99▼
Chun-Shuo Chen
Jer-San Hu
Wen-Pin Tien
Yen-Yu Chen
Gerhard Wuehrer
Jui-Ho Chen
Ling-Na Tai
Sheng-Te Chou
NO. Author Title 98 Yeong-Jia Goo 98 Hsinan Hsu 98 Yu-Wen Chen The Relationships among Factors, Usages, and Gratifications of Micro-blog Users: The Case of Plurk 98 Huan ChangNo.98▼
Ming-Chung Tseng
Emily Ho
Ying-Ju Chu
Wan-Jing April Chang
Shou-Min Tsao
NO. Author Title 97 Chun-Lin Lee 97 Wen-Pin Tien 97 Chung-Chu Liu Prioritizing the Projects of Happiness of Employees by Adoption of Orange Conception 97 Yu-Ling ChangNo.97▼
Wen-Chang Fang
Yu-Wei Chen
Ching-Heng Chen
Shu-Feng Kao
NO. Author Title 96 Ju-Miao Yen Impacts of Experimentation on Organizational Innovation Performance 96 Hsu-Wei Hsu 96 Wan-Chi Jackie Hsu 96 Jenn TangNo.96▼
Se-Hwa Wu
Yi-Long Jaw
Ming-Hone Tsai
Ming-Ji James Lin
NO. Author Title 95 Chien-Huang Lin 95 Jacob Y. H. Jou Concept and Measurement Development of Customer Citizenship Behavior in Service Encounter 95 Chao-Chuan Yu 95 Chao-Shi WangNo.95▼
Su-Hui Kuo
Yi-Fen Liu
Ray-Young Lu
Ying-Ju Chen
Li-Ping Lee
Chih-Shen Yu
NO. Author Title 94 Wen-Pin Tien 94 Chia-Hung Hsieh 94 Tuan-Hoon Koh 94 Yung-Shen Yen A Study of the Technology Acceptance of KeywordNo.94▼
Ya-Hui Chuan
Wen-Chang Fang
Sheng-Yang Lee
Advertising to the Advertisers
NO. Author Title 93 Shun-Der Chang 93 Ying-Lin Hsu 93 Mei-Lin Chang 93 Shun-Wang HsuNo.93▼
Horng-Chi Chen
Meng-Zi Hsu
Heidi-H. Chang
Po-Yu Wu
NO. Author Title 92 Jenn Tang The Prelimary Study of Inforamtion Security Outsourcing Decisive Taxonomy 92 Tsai-Lung Liu 92 Yao-Hua Wang The Relationship of the Strategy of MNEs Intra-Pricing and Earnings Management 92 Zon-Yau LeeNo.92▼
Yi-Hsuan Liu
Chia-Chen Kuo
Chin-Hao Hu
Erh-Liang Kong
Journal of Business Administration (ISSN:1025-9627) is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal on the subject of business administration and publishes four issues per year (March, June, September, and December). The purpose of this journal is to promote the research in the fields of sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and innovation over business administration. Manuscripts must be original, and have not been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal rejects manuscripts containing plagiarized content or fraudulent data, as well as those failing to reveal conflicts of interest. As part of the peer review and publication procedures, the editor-in-chief, consulting editors, the associate editor, and editorial advisory board, as well as the publisher endeavor to ensure that no violation of publication ethics or related malpractice takes place.
These guidelines are based on COPE's Core Practices and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors
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● Editors are completely responsible for accepting or rejecting the manuscripts submitted to them.
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● The editors and editorial board members should request all contributors to disclose relevant competing interests and publish corrections if competing interests are revealed after publication.
● The editors of Journal of Business Administration reserves the right to withdraw and rescind any accepted article should a case of ethical misconduct be discovered prior to publication.
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● Peer review is crucial in making editorial decisions.
● Any referee with a conflict of interest or who feels unqualified to review the manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.
● All manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents.
● Reviews should be conducted objectively. Referees’ opinions concerning the manuscript should be stated clearly and supported by facts and/or logical argument. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate.
● Referees must point out any suspected ethical lapses on the part of the authors.
● Information or ideas contained in the manuscript reviewed must not be used for personal advantage.
Duties of the Authors
● All authors listed on the manuscript should have contributed significantly to the research. And their research work is original.
● Any change in authorship (or author order) after initial submission must be approved by all authors and by the editors.
● Neither plagiarism nor duplicate publication of the author’s own work without proper citation is acceptable.
● The author is responsible for the accuracy of all data. if practicable, and should in any event be prepared to retain such data for a reasonable time after publication.
● The manuscript should contain sufficient detail and references that the work can be replicated.
● All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed. Examples of potential conflicts of interest which should be disclosed include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding.
● It is the obligation of the authors to promptly provide retractions or corrections of the original paper.
Plagiarism Policy
The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.
Plagiarism takes many forms, from passing off another's paper as the author's own paper, to copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another's paper (without attribution), to claiming results from research conducted by others Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
If evidence of plagiarism is found before/after acceptance or after publication of the paper, the author will be offered a chance for rebuttal. If the arguments are not found to be satisfactory, the manuscript will be retracted.
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