【Call for Papers】
2024 International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA 2024) at NTPU
May 10, 2024
Sanxia Campus, National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2024 International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA 2024) at National Taipei University (NTPU) calls for papers written in English in all fields in management. Organized by Department of Business Administration at National Taipei University, ICBA has become an important platform for academic researchers, practical experts, professors, Ph.D. and master students, managers, decision makers, to promote their up-to-date academic work and to exchange their research ideas.
ICBA accepts submissions on the following topics. Selected papers will be given full consideration for publication in the issue of Journal of Business Administration (JBA, ISSN: 1025-9627), which is indexed in EconLit, EBSCO, ABI/INFORM, and ProQuest.
We set prizes for those papers which are excellent after the evaluation. The prize will be given in the opening ceremony.
Best Paper Awards: Cash Prize NT$10,000
Outstanding Paper Awards: Cash Prize NT$6,000
Honorable Mention Awards: Cash Prize NT$3,000
In addition, the best papers submitted to and accepted by Journal of Business Administration will receive additional NT$20,000 at most.
Strategic management Marketing management Financial management Organizational behavior Human resource management Information management Operation management Electronic commerce |
Big data analysis Supply chain management Logistics management International business management Corporate social responsibility Corporate sustainability Knowledge management Health care administration |
Artificial intelligence Leisure management Managerial accounting Entrepreneurship management Innovation management Technology management Project management Other topics |
Conference Venue
Conference date: 09:00-17:00 on May 10, 2024
Conference venue: 5F., College of Business, No.151, University Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City, 23741 Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Submission and Important Dates
◎ Please fill out the registration form on
◎ Please submit full papers and postal remittance receipt (or electronic wire transfer receipt) to: ntpuconference@gm.ntpu.edu.tw before the deadline, April 07, 2024.
◎Notification of acceptance: 15 working days after submission deadline
◎Only the abstracts will be published in ICBA
◎Submissions that are not full text will be rejected and the registration review fee will not be refunded
Submission Fee and Payment Options
There are two payment options listed as follows. If authors locate in Taiwan, please apply Option 1 to pay submission fee per submitted paper. Moreover, if authors locate in areas except Taiwan, please apply Option 2 to pay submission fee per submitted paper.
【Option 1】
Postal Remittance via Post Office Giro Number (only for authors in Taiwan)
◎ Submission Fee per submitted paper: student-NT$1,880 or non-student-NT$3,100 (handling fee NT$20 included)
◎ The details of postal remittance via post office Giro number are listed as follows:
Post Office Giro Number: 19456493
Payee’s Name:國立臺北大學
Message: ICBA 2024 at NTPU
【Option 2】
Electronic Wire Transfer via SWIFT code (for authors in areas except Taiwan)
◎ Submission Fee per submitted paper: student- US$60 or non-student- US$100
◎ The details of electronic wire transfer via SWIFT code are listed as follows:
Institution (Company)
Name: National Taipei University
Account Name: National Taipei University Account Number: 112056000022
Bank Address: 83, Minsheng St., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Branch Name: Land Bank of Taiwan, Sanshia Branch
Formatting Guidelines
◎ Papers must be in English of up to 15 pages in conference paper format.
◎ References and citations must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) Referencing Guide and APA Citation Format.
◎ Paper content must be original and relevant to one of the conference topics.
◎ Authors should ensure the accuracy of quotations, citations, figures, and tables.
◎ Figures and tables must be clear and placed at the right positions in the text.
◎ Papers must follow the format according to the downloadable Word template.
More Information
◎ Organizer: Department of Business Administration at National Taipei University
◎ Co-organizers: Alumni Association of Department of Business Administration at NTPU
◎ Corporate Sponsor: ABC Taiwan Electronics Corp.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the conference executive secretary, Ms.Liu, via email: ntpuconference@gm.ntpu.edu.tw